Answered By: Fred Sweet
Last Updated: May 17, 2022     Views: 46

Taking a look at the ATLA database, there appears to be several articles from the perspectives of marginalized communities. Here is a link to a full text search of Luke 15, which has a few different articles from the perspectives of marginality, feminism, Afrocentrism, etc. 

As far as commentaries, there are also several different options. If you are looking for ebooks we have several including (here's link to a general ebook search for the Gospel of Luke):

The Women's Bible Commentary
Luke: A Social Identity Commentary

As far as physical commentaries we have in our stacks, some suggestions would be:

True to our native land : an African American New Testament commentary
Africa Bible Commentary
Queer Bible Commentary
Wisdom Commentary on Luke

If you are looking for a commentary the deals with a specific marginalized community, please let us know and we can help you find one. 

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