Answered By: Library Staff Luther Seminary
Last Updated: Oct 26, 2016     Views: 2142

Refer to the Writing & Style Guide, the Society of Biblical Literature Handbook of Style, and/or the Chicago Manual of Style (in print or online) to check options for citing.  Page 101 of the SBL Handbook, 2nd ed. (on Reserve at the Circulation Desk) has a specific suggestion for citing authors and works contained in these sets.  It recommends citing as follows:

"It is not necessary to give a full citation if a bibliography is included and subsequent citations in the notes are identical  to the first citation."

14. The Clementine Homilies 1.3 (ANF 8:223)

In this example, the title of the work appears in italics.  The number 1 indicates the homily number, and 3 designates the chapter.  The parenthetical information refers to the series, volume, and page number.  In the bibliography, one need cite only the series information, unless the translation itself plays an integral role in the discussion.

The Ante-Nicene Fathers. Edited by Alexander Roberts and James Donaldson. 1885-1887. 10 vols. Repr.,    Peabody, MA: Hendrickson, 1994.